The Saviour

The central message of the Christian faith is Jesus.

It is not because of what He taught, nor because of the miracles that He is so well known for, but because of who He is and what He has done.

But it is a plain and obvious fact that many people have no interest even in learning more about Him.  Why?  Some past hurt?  Fear of religious liars and cheats?  Perhaps they don’t think it is worth the time to find out about Jesus.

But there is too much is at stake to simply ignore Him.

Eternity surrounds us…
Like it or not, we’re part of something greater than our own small lives.  Who really believes that the universe is just the rubble of a great explosion? And who really believes that people are no more than chance mutations of sea slime, without meaning or purpose?

We are all sinful and we will all die…
Financial preparation for death is OK for your family, but you need peace and certainty when you die, not money. Sin matters, but do you talk openly about sin, judgement and death? Who has answers?

The simple facts of Jesus’ life should compel us to do anything to know Him…

No philosopher or teacher ever spoke as He spoke. No life has ever been so flawless. No king or ruler has ever commanded such love and obedience. This man, that so many people turn their back on, said that He came to save humanity from sin, the He would be the final judge of the world, and that He would rule forever! And yet He is known for His undoubted humility!

Think about His life. His childhood was very simple, His family poor, His education basic. He travelled little and held no position of power or influence. He moved around the Roman province of Palestine on foot for about 3 years, teaching, and He lived a faultless life. He miraculously healed many people, even raising the dead, which His enemies could not deny. But the rulers viewed Him as a threat to social order and they had him crucified.

Such a life could never have been imagined – it was totally different from what the people expected the promised Messiah to be – it had to have been witnessed.

How do you explain timeless teaching with universal appeal, matchless sacrificial love, perfect humility and His often repeated claim to be the Son of God? Why was He not forgotten after He was crucified? Why did this one short life change human history?

The answer is plain – because He rose from the dead, just as He said He would!

Today, people from every walk of life trust in the Lord Jesus and know Him in their own experience. The 21st century has not dimmed the truth of His teaching or the urgency of His call to repentance.

You can know for yourself the truth about Jesus Christ. Don’t put it off – act today. Please get in touch with us, ask your questions and find the answers you need.

“God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.”