From the evening of Friday December 15 to the afternoon of Sunday December 17 we lived together at Camp Kedron in...
“Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105)
The ministry of the Word
Psalm 119 is the longest Psalm in the Bible and it is devoted to one thing – the inestimable value of the Word of God. We do well to take heed – it is a light shining in a dark world.
Romans overview – Unashamed
Scripture reference: Romans 1:1-17 We begin by looking at Paul's greeting, introduction and then his great theme - the...
Psalm 91
Scripture reference: Psalm 91 God is the security for those who dwell in Him. Believers need to abide in Christ...
Jonah – Part 4 – Unsatisfied
Scripture reference: Jonah 4 The final chapter of Jonah is an unsatisfactory ending with unsatisfied characters. What...
Revelation – the seven trumpets – continued
Scripture reference: Revelation 9 and 10 We look at what happens when the 5th and 6th trumpets are sounded, and what...
Habakkuk – A Prayer
Scripture reference: Habakkuk An exploration of Habakkuk's conversation with God, and his prayer in response to what...
The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares
Scripture reference: Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 We look at how Jesus explained this parable, with some thoughts on sowing...
What is Man (1)?
Scripture reference: Genesis 1:26-28 A short talk on the purpose of life for man and how God restores sinners through...
Revelation – The seven trumpets
Scripture reference: Revelation 8 We review some thoughts about how we can read this difficult book, and then look at...