Scripture reference: John 15:1-8 The last "I Am" statement is also the most personal. Jesus wanted the disciples to...
Jesus’ “I am” Statements
“Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105)
The ministry of the Word
Psalm 119 is the longest Psalm in the Bible and it is devoted to one thing – the inestimable value of the Word of God. We do well to take heed – it is a light shining in a dark world.
I am the Way, the Truth and the Life
Scripture references: John 14:1-7 None of Jesus' "I Am" statements are slogans. They have personal implications for...
I am the Resurrection and the Life
Scripture reference: John 11:1-44 Jesus said " I Am the resurrection and the life" in the context of Lazarus'...
I am the Good Shepherd
Scripture Reference: John 10:11 Jesus is the Good Shepherd, in contrast to hirelings who do not care for the sheep. He...
I am the Door
Scripture reference: John 10:1-10 Jesus said that He is the Door, the only way to be saved and to enjoy abundant life....
The Light of the World
Scripture reference: John 8:12, John 9:5, John 12:46 Jesus stated that He is the Light of the world in three different...
The Bread of Life
Scripture reference: John 6:35 We examine Jesus' statement "I Am the bread of life" and what He meant when He said...
The ‘I Am’ Statements in John’s Gospel
Scripture references: John 8, Exodus 3 An introduction to the "I Am" statements in John's Gospel, with particular...