Scripture reference: Matthew 21:33-46, Matthew 22:1-14, Matthew 23:1-12 The Lord answered the Pharisee's challenge...
Neil Buckman
Hebrews 2:11-18 – Sanctification
Scripture reference: Hebrews 2:5-18 "He who sanctifies and those who are being sanctified are all of one...". What...
Hebrews 2:5-10 – But we see Jesus…
Scripture reference: Hebrews 2:5-10 God has a great purpose in man, but we do not yet see it fully realised, but we...
The Last Week – The fig tree and traps set
Scripture references: Mark 11:20-33, Matthew 21:28-32, Mark 12:13-37 On Tuesday morning, the disciples notice the...
Hebrews 2:1-4 – How shall we escape?
Scripture reference: Hebrews 2:1-4 Chapter 2 begins with "Therefore..." and we need to understand the context of the...
Hebrews 1:7-14 – Sit at My right hand…
Scripture reference: Hebrews 1:7-14 The writer gives three more evidences from the Scripture of the greatness of the...
Hebrews 1:1-6 – You are My Son…
Scripture reference: Hebrews 1:1-6, Psalm 2 The writer to the Hebrews shows from the Scripture why the Lord Jesus has...
The Last Week – The fig tree and the temple
Scripture reference: Mark 11:12-19, John 12:20-41 It is Monday of the last week before the Lord Jesus' death and...
Hebrews – Prologue
Scripture reference: Hebrews 1:1-4 The first four verses of Hebrews set the stage for the rest of the letter, showing...