Scripture reference: Hebrews 6:1-3 What is the foundation about which the author speaks? How do we go on to maturity,...
Neil Buckman
The Last Week – Bethany, Betrayal and Passover
Scripture reference: Matthew 26:6-30 and parallel passages Mary, Martha and Lazarus host a dinner for the Lord Jesus...
Hebrews 5 – An entirely new order
Scripture reference: Hebrews 5 We see more of the High Priest who is like Aaron, but also not like Aaron. Are we ready...
The Last Week – Parables and Prophecy
Scripture reference: Matthew 25 The Lord told His disciples two parables as a part of His explanation of the end...
Hebrews 4:14-16 – The Throne of Grace
Scripture Reference: Hebrews 4:14-16 Are we able to overcome, holding fast our confession of faith in Christ? We are...
The Last Week – The end of the age
Scripture reference: Matthew 24 The Lord answers the disciples' questions about the destruction of the temple and the...
Hebrews 4 – Entering His rest
Scripture reference: Hebrews 4 Chapter 4 continues the discussion of the rest that is referred to in Psalm 95, a rest...
The Last Week – Woes, Blessing and an End
Scripture references: Matthew 23:13-36, 24:1, Mark 12:41-44 The Lord's denunciation of the scribes and Pharisees is...
Hebrews 3 – Rest, Risk and Remedy
Scripture reference: Hebrews 3 and 4 We see that Moses was a witness to someone greater and that his experiences were...