Scripture reference: John 10:1-10 Jesus said that He is the Door, the only way to be saved and to enjoy abundant life....
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The Light of the World
Scripture reference: John 8:12, John 9:5, John 12:46 Jesus stated that He is the Light of the world in three different...
Parables of Jesus – Salt of the Earth & Light of the World
Scripture reference: Matthew 5:13-16 We look at the parables spoken to the disciples of Jesus about their being...
The Bread of Life
Scripture reference: John 6:35 We examine Jesus' statement "I Am the bread of life" and what He meant when He said...
The Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Scripture reference: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 What is the content of the gospel the apostle Paul preached, and how should...
The Parables of Jesus – Patching clothes, new wine and old wineskins
Scripture reference: Luke 5:33-39 We need to understand why Jesus spoke in parables. What is the meaning of His...
The ‘I Am’ Statements in John’s Gospel
Scripture references: John 8, Exodus 3 An introduction to the "I Am" statements in John's Gospel, with particular...
The Apostles’ Creed – 9
“The resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.” Scripture reference: John 11:25-26 The last talk on...
The Apostles’ Creed – 8
"The forgiveness of sins" Scripture reference: 1 John 1:8-10, Matthew 6:14 -15 Looking at the "forgiveness of...