We are Christians meeting in Auburn and Kellyville and we would love to have the opportunity to share our faith in Jesus Christ with you. You are welcome to join us as we gather together on Sundays in Auburn or Kellyville or by clicking on the link below for the latest livestreamed meeting.
If you have questions or need more information, give us a call or write.
Watch live this coming Sunday…
Click on this YouTube link to join the live streamed meeting at 9:30am on the coming Sunday.
(Here is a YouTube playlist of previous live streamed meetings)
Recent teaching and encouragement
The Sermon on the Mount – 2. The Light of the World
Scripture Reference: Matthew 5:1-16 The disciples of the Lord Jesus are wonderfully blessed because of Him, and have a...
Whoever believes in me
Scripture reference: John 14:12 Jesus says that whoever believes in him can do the works he does, and even greater works....
Lilias Trotter – a short biography
Lilias Trotter (1853 – 1928) was a British missionary to North Africa. In her early twenties, her artworks were noticed by...
Click here for Letters from Uruguay and Letters from Japan
PLEASE NOTE: Closed over the Christmas period. Our next Monday distribution will be on January 20, 2025.
Remember to come early as places are limited and soon filled.
Email: enquiries@christianassemblyofnsw.org.au
Phone: 0491 035 781